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Спрашивай: Irena

How do I find a relative from Latvia???

Any information about that person I know their name but want to find information about my Birth Mom.

перед 10 лет

Oтветы (1)


1189 ответ

Отвечает: 1189
Good afternoon! To find the people must be some information on which to rely. Maybe you know the city, then the information can be searched in the archives of the city. Here is the archive of Riga contacts - Latvijas Nacionālā arhīva Latvijas Valsts arhīvs - Bezdelīgu iela 1, Rīga, 67462317;
Latvia has now a volunteer of the broadcast Wait for me, maybe he can help you - Martins.Ziebergs@inbox.lv, 29923833.
перед 10 лет

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