User manual

  • TeleMedia Ltd maintains, coordinates and organizes  activity within the web site and on other web sites owned by LTD „TeleMedia” and/or the usage right of the domain name of which is registered in the name of LTD „TeleMedia
  • The information services provided by1189.lvare free of charge, but technical, specific or other type of services, as well as services offered by for advertisers and partners, and which are distributed or provided by, may be provided for fee.
  • The user is any person or legal entity, using services provided by, visiting and/or publishing content.  


  • The content (materials) published on1189.lvare protected by Copyright Law of the Republic of Latvia. Any copying, modification, storage, archiving and full or partial publishing of the materials and or data base published on shall be strongly forbidden without written consent from administration. 

Publishing of materials

  • The user services shall bear responsibility that the content (including but not limited to sensitive materials, comments, video or other product of creative intellectual activity) published on, hereinafter referred to as – the materials, are legally acquired, and that the user is authorised to use these materials.
  • The user shall bear responsibility for consequences arising from publication such materials on
  • It is forbidden to publish, place or send other usersthe information defined as unpublished in the normative acts, including, but not limited to:
  1. Materials (including video and audio materials) in the result of publication of which the intellectual property rights of the third parties are being affected or violated;
  2. Materials affecting the person`s honour and dignity, and which are against good manners;
  3. Materials appealing to violence, racial intolerance or calling for other illegal activities.
  • After stating the placement of such information,1189.lvis authorized to delete such materials immediately, as well as to delete publisher’s user account and/or to prohibit the access to
  • The user shall reserve the copyright and any other rights owned by the user in relation to the materials (which are submitted, placed or published When publishing, submitting or placing materials on the web site, and accepting present provision for use by, the user at the same time issues (LTD „TeleMedia”) irrevocable, ordinary, termless Licence, which is valid throughout the world and for which require no royalty fee. This licence allows to reproduce, publish, adapt, modify, translate, to perform and reproduce on public, as well as to distribute any materials published by user on site.
  • The user agrees that is authorized to order and distribute materials via different public nets and different information environments when performing the necessary technical actions in order to ensure its users with services, as well as to amend content of materials necessary in order to coordinate the materials and adapt them to technical specifications of networks, equipment, services and media activity. The user agrees that the present licence provides such irrevocable rights to
  • The user accepts and guarantees that the user has all the necessary rights and authorization to issue the above mentioned licence.
  • is not responsiblefor the materials published by other users of and/or for mutually sent materials and the consequences arising in relations thereof.
  • 1189.lvshall not be responsible for problems of technical nature, for users` materials amendments caused in the result of illegal access by the other person. shall not be responsible for any type of loss caused to the users and related to services or other user`s published materials on the web site.
  • The user shall be obligated to perform all the necessary activities to ensure protection of legal interests of against all possible claims and complaints from the third parties, which may be filed against by the users of the web site.
  • is authorized to limit or prohibit the user access to the web site, to delete any information without prior notice thereof.
  • When using systems the user shall be obligated to observe the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Law and Copyright Law, as well as the TeleMedia Ltd. system usage provisions. The user is prohibited to use any automated systems or equipment (robots) for access to the systems without written confirmation with LTD „TeleMedia”. The database published on is of inquiry nature and holds no legal effect. The access to full services of is provided only to authorized user. The information is only of inquiry nature and has no legal effects. The information sources are as follows: Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, TeleMedia Ltd database, Lursoft databases published on the internet, State Land Service, official paper Latvijas Vēstnesis.
  • All trademarks, logotypes and other graphical images placed in the catalogue are the property of the respective companies.

Other provisions

  • This User manual has a binding character to each user, regardless to whether he or she creates or not user account on
  • 1189.lvreserves the right to alter the present User manual at any time at its own  discretion, and the done amendments shall become effective once published on
  • If the user fails to observe the present User manual, depending on the nature or consequences of the violation, the offender shall be put to civil, administrative or criminal liability stipulated by law
  • If the user wishes to use materials placed at, he-she must contact the representatives by writing on e-mail:

Weather forecast 26 March (10:00)

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